Lost Motion Assembly | Blog

Design, development and occasional bloggery

Delightful Marbled Prints by Jemma Lewis


I’ve always been much enamoured with marbled patterns; they are firmly fixed in my mind as end papers for family encyclopedias, circa 1982. My first – and only attempt – at marbling was crafting my own end papers for a book binding project in school when I was 10. Evidently it was an interest in theory if not practise.Thankfully the art of marbling has not been left to my lacklustre efforts, as can be seen in recent work by professional marbling artist Jemma Lewis. Working with Manchester agency Music, Jemma produced a beautiful series of prints to – fittingly – promote the Leeds Print Festival.

While haunting a discount bookstore, I happened upon a guide to Sumingashi – a distinctly Japanese style of marbling as used to great effect by Demain Conrad Design for interior design company Almighty. Time to get the plastic trays out.

Via designworklife

By: Dre